The decoration of the living room has been rearranged, and the designer has opened the original partition between the living room and the balcony. Add a layer of white gauze to the balcony windows, create wooden tatami mats on the ground, and use a low table as a tea table. Residents can sit opposite each other at any time, enjoy a cup of fragrant tea together, and feel the warmth and brightness of the sunshine.
Leather sofas bring a sense of luxury, while brown brings a richness of color. The carpet is soft and comfortable, and the white fabric single sofa provides a functional place for residents to read and relax. The artistic paintings on the walls embellish the artistic atmosphere.
The embedded processing of the TV background wall looks very neat, and the classic black and white combination brings a sense of spatial hierarchy. Simple design, yet unleashing more creative possibilities.
The wooden suspended platform extends from the living room to the dining room, with a green art painting placed between the two, accentuating the natural atmosphere with greenery. The original dining table and chairs are made of a combination of wood and acrylic materials, creating a sense of transparency and warmth. The fashionable pendant light brings a warm luster, providing a sense of dining ceremony at any time, and the embedded countertop adds functional scenes.
美国知名媒体《Sporting News》也证实,如果条件成熟,湖人仍旧可能交易詹姆斯。这事儿挺让人惊讶的。咱就说詹姆斯那可是篮球界的大咖啊,可要是湖人真觉得条件合适,还真有可能把他给交易了。你想啊,詹姆斯有交易否决权,这权力可不一般。要是他觉得在湖人没希望拿冠军了,那他说不定就想换个地儿,开启自己职业生涯的第四次换队之旅,去寻找新的机会。就好比咱们村里的王强,那也是个篮球爱好者,一心想在比赛中打出好成绩。之前他在一个球队里,觉得没啥夺冠的希望,就毅然决定换个球队。虽然面临不少困难和质疑,但他就是想追求自己的篮球梦想,最后还真在新球队里打出了不错的成绩。詹姆斯估计也是这么想的,要是在湖人看不到夺冠的曙光,那为啥不换个环境试试呢?
The wall on one side of the bedroom space is gray, which complements the surrounding white. Wooden flooring and wooden bed provide a warm feeling. The dark gray bedding is soft and comfortable, making it easy to fall asleep.
The study space is not large, but it is very quiet, providing an immersive experience for both studying and working here. Light wood color is still used as space decoration, and black background is added to the storage cabinet. The combination of black and white wood is presented in a unique way, with a folding bed hidden, allowing the space to be used as a guest room at any time.